Short Bob Haircuts on Short Hair 2019-2020
The fashion for short stylish bob hair did not start from the catwalks and from his hospital bed in the classic sense of the word. In 1914, the star of the dance floor Irene Castle was in the hospital with a bout of appendicitis. In order to ensure at least minimal care to the hair she cut curls and showed the world that a woman can be attractive and with short hair.
The debate on the topic "To cut or not to cut," flared up in magazines, celebrities shared their experiences of creating a gentle shearing, the world divided into two opposing camps, one pushed forward the right to free short cut, others called it shameful and unacceptable. But whatever it was the 20 th year began a new round of hairdressing and eventually climb to fashion Olympus short haircuts.

Bob for those who love the "shorter"
It is fair to say that Bob is the most among variativnoj haircut hairstyles for short hair. He has no restrictions on the type, hair color, face shape and age, perfectly combined with even the most extravagant bangs and popular ways multilayer staining.
In the new season very popular and will gain honor asymmetrical hairstyle with maximum smoothness of forms. If Mother Nature has endowed you are not perfectly straight hair, experts recommend to resort to lamination.
